Q? Who can benefit from Neurofeedback?

A. Neurofeedback can help people with ADHD, Autism/Asperger Syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussions, Eating Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Stroke, Migraines, Epilepsy, OCD, Depression, Anxiety and Dementia/Alzheimer’s.

Q? Is Neurofeedback like Lumosity or therapy?

A. No. Lumosity is a game that works by helping your skills. Neurofeedback focuses on training your brain and is brain therapy. Neurofeedback changes the clinical problem you need resolved.

Q? What can Neurofeedback improve?

A. Neurofeedback can improve many mind and body issues. It can help migraines, pain, concussions, sleep, addictions, ADHD, learning disabilities, seizures, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, autism, aspergers and many other difficult issues.

Q? What is QEEG Brain Mapping?

A. A QEEG brainmap is an EEG that has been compared to a normed group to give us a better understanding of your functioning. It enables us to see your unique pattern of mental strengths and weaknesses – areas of the brain where there is too little or too much activity, and areas that are not exchanging information efficiently. The Qeeg allows us to see the reason for your struggles. And from this information we can create a neurofeedback training program to resolve it. We use QEEG’s both for our initial assessment and to track your progress over your neurofeedback sessions.

Q? How many sessions and what frequency will I require?

A. A minimum of 20 sessions is required to bring your brain to a level of significant change. That may not be enough for many people who have multiple issues or have had these problems for many years. A minimum of two to three times a week is needed to keep the brain reinforced into a new pattern. Fewer sessions will not work as well because a person will experience regression. A better idea of the number of sessions can be determined after the Evaluation and Qeeg.

Q? How long is each session?

A. Sessions can vary from 45 to 60 minutes.

Q? Do you accept Health Insurance?

A. We accept insurance only when it is related to auto accidents, then we will accept Medical Payments from an auto insurance policy.

Q? Can I still come to you if I don’t have insurance?

A. Yes. You can pay with your flexible spending account if you have one. Or cash, check, or charge.

Q? What are the benefits of Integrative Neurotherapy?

• An individualized approach to helping your brain.
• No canned protocols, (not a one size fits all approach to training your brain)
• Integrative Neurotherapy is a data driven approach, (we look at your data generated by your own assessments)
• We use multiple approaches and find the best approach for you.

Q? How does Neurofeedback reduce anxiety?

A. Anxiety can come from psychological, physical, dietary, or environmental sources, like loud noises. Once a person’s brain gets locked into a pattern of anxiety, it can be difficult to break. For anxiety sufferers, learning how to modulate or turn off chronic stress responses is life changing. Neurofeedback provides physiological assistance and helps people learn to change their responses to stress. With brain training, they can develop the skills they need to reduce or eliminate anxiety in their lives.

Q? How can I make an appointment?

A. Call our Dallas Office at +1 214 557 9432. Or use our contact us page to give us more information.

Q? What should I expect in my first visit?

A. The first visit will be an initial evaluation. Your background, medical history, developmental history, mental status, past concussions, and issues needing to be addressed by Neurotherapy will be discussed and anything related to your problems needing to be addressed by Neurotherapy will be discussed.

An EEG is performed in the second session or we may do that right after the Initial Evaluation. The EEG is edited and then run against a norm end data base to create a Qeeg (quantitative electroencephalogram), or commonly referred to as a Brainmap.

Q? Does Neurofeedback hurt?

A. The neurofeedback training activity is simple, painless, drugless, non-invasive and